


Li Khin-huann

how far is the mouth from the tip of the brush?
how far from the tip of the brush is the street?
how far is the street from the court?
how far is the court from the jail?
how far is the jail from the shots?

how far is democracy from the court?
how far is democracy from the jail?
how many light-years away from the shots?

(Taiwan 1986)
Tr. Martin Winter, 2009-2014


Li Khin-huann

wie weit ist die pinselspitze vom mund?
wie weit von der strasse?
wie weit ist die strasse entfernt vom gericht?
wie weit ist es vom gericht zum gefängnis?
wie weit vom gefängnis zum schuss?

wie weit vom gericht ist die demokratie?
wie weit ist die demokratie vom gefängnis?
und wie viele lichtjahre vom schuss?

(Taiwan 1986)
Übersetzt von MW 2009-2014

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  1. Khin-huann Li Says:

    Great translation!
    From Khin-huann Li

    • 中国大好き Says:

      Thanks! It’s a very powerful poem. Has it been translated before? When did you write it? I recently put the same post with your poem on my Sina blog. Many people saw it, and one poet wrote “震撼!“ in response. I wonder what people from the US think when they read this poem. How many light years from the death penalty to democracy? Some political poems do not become dated, even if they are about a concrete moment in time, like your 解嚴以後. It still feels very relevant, in Taiwan and in other places, especially in China.

  2. 中国大好き Says:

    See also

  3. Khin-huann Li Says:

    This poem was written on the day of July 15th. It was first published on the fifth of August in New Taiwan Magazine, and then published in Taiwan Literature in September. If you read it in my selection of Taiwanese Literature Museum, it was mistaken as written on May, which is impossible. I have most of my poems in English. 100 of them was published as Selected Poems of Khin-huann Li by World Poetry Almanac last year. I can send it to you if you give me your address. I believe you have my e-mail address please contact me by e-mail. I really appreciate your translations very much.

  4. FAREWELL « 中国大好き Says:

    […] Martin Winter, Jan. 2013 With help from Khinhuann Li […]

  5. 樹 | 中国大好き Says:

    […] distance studies 距離學 […]

  6. Mo Yan 莫言 and Liao Yiwu 廖亦武 | 中国大好き Says:

    […] essays and poems by Shi Mingde (Shih Ming-te) 施明德 and his brother Shi Ming-zheng 施明正, Li Khin-huann 李勤岸, Song Tik-lai 宋澤萊, Zhan Che 詹澈 and Yi Sha 伊沙. All of it has to do with […]

  7. Reading for Li Bifeng | 中国大好き Says:

    […] works by Li Bifeng, the reading for Li Bifeng in Vienna will include texts by Li Khin-huann (Taiwan), Shih Ming-te and Shih Ming-cheng (Taiwan), famous fiction writer Liu Zhenyun (Henan, […]

  8. fille facile transexuel Says:

    Splendide post encߋre uune fois

  9. vicelarde déboitage de croupion Says:

    J’ai pas eu le temps de terminer de lire mais je repasse après

  10. Jayden Says:

    Vos articles sont vraiment attrayants

  11. Aurelia Says:

    Article très cultivant !!!

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