In Thailand
12 boys were saved,
and their trainer.
They had been locked in a cave
by rising water.
A whole football team.
Some were refugees from Burma.
In Europe
in the Mediterranean
it’s not allowed now
to rescue people.
They don’t actively kill
but they let them drown.
And all the media,
well, it depends what they say.
Interior ministers
are very happy.
But maybe they have
something similar
somewhere some time
in Asia.

MW July 2018



In Thailand,
12 boys
and their young trainer
are rescued
from a flooded cave.
They were 11-16 years old.

In Austria,
a 14-year-old gets shot dead
from behind,
after breaking
into a supermarket.
Another one also gets shot,
survives and gets put on trial
as fast as possible.

And all the big papers
are very fast
on the side of the shooters.
Old enough to steal,
old enough to die,
they chant unisono.
The provincial governor,
some say he made up that song.

The killer
who ran after the boy
and shot him from behind
from very close
was put on trial
more than one year later,
but just for a little.

He knew the boy’ s mother,
they all knew each other
in the poor quarter
of the small town.

The killer lied,
of course they all lied,
said they were in danger,
so he had to shoot.
Actually of course,
the boys were unarmed.

All these details
came out at the trial.
Anyway the killer is still on duty.
Eight months on parole.
No way for the mother
to sue any further,
to get any money.

Some green- leaning left- leaning weekly,
maybe a few other reporters ,
some people didn’t shut up.
So there was a trial,
but he’s still on duty,
and it could be worse,
without truth or trial,
just self- defense,
what they all wanted.

It could be in Austria,
in many places.
Maybe also in Thailand.

MW July 2018



In Thailand
werden 12 Buben
im Alter von 11-16 Jahren gerettet.
Sie waren in einer Höhle
In Österreich
wird einer erschossen
mit 14
von hinten
auf der Flucht
wegen Einbruch
in einem Supermarkt.
Noch einer wird angeschossen
und schleunigst verurteilt.
Und alle großen Medien stehen
sofort auf der Seite der Polizei.
Der Provinzgouverneur sowieso.
Der Todesschütze ist weiter im Dienst.
Aber vielleicht gibt es das auch
in Thailand,
unter der Junta.

MW Juli 2018



In Thailand
werden 12 Buben
im Alter von 11-16 Jahren gerettet.
Sie waren in einer Höhle
Ein ganzes Fußballteam.
Manche sind
aus Burma geflohen.
In Europa
und im Mittelmeer
dürfen Flüchtende
Männer Frauen und Kinder
nicht mehr gerettet werden.
Sie werden
zwar nicht erschossen,
man lässt sie ersaufen.
Und alle großen Medien
naja vielleicht sind nicht alle immer
auf der Seite der Grenzpolizei.
Die Innenminister schon sowieso.
Aber vielleicht gibt es das auch

MW Juli 2018


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