Posts Tagged ‘attachment’

YERPA – 洪烛 Hong Zhu

5月 19, 2020

Hong Zhu

Attachment is hard, you want to break free and you can’t.
Laughter, then crying, crying, then laughs.
Is laughing better? Not as high as the mountain or small as the moon.
You are still attached, you want to forget and you can’t.
Would be good if you could, good and gone.
Gone but not gone? Be good, leave it unfinished?
Attachment is ever unfinished.
Because you want too much, and receive not enough,
you have trouble. Black hair can be cut,
trouble cannot.
Attachment is understood but not gone, because you don`t want it
or cause you don’t dare? You can`t give it up,
or don`t get what you want?
You have one hundred thousand great peaks, I only want
a temple so small you don’t know it is there.
You have the ends of the world, I only want
ten steps of green grass.

Translated by MW, May 2020

Hong Zhu, orig. name Wang Jun, born in May 1967 in Nanjing, died 3/18/20 in Nanjing. Chief editor of China Federation Literature press. Famous high school poet, many awards.《新诗典》小档案:洪烛(1967年~2020年3月18日),原名王军,生于南京,1979年进入南京梅园中学,1985年保送武汉大学,1989年分配到北京,全国文学少年明星诗人,原中国文联出版社文学编辑室主任。洪烛曾出版有诗集《南方音乐》《你是一张旧照片》《我的西域》《仓央嘉措心史》《仓央嘉措情史》等[2]。洪烛是上世纪八十年代的全国文学少年明星,当时还在读中学的他就在《语文报》、《星星》、《鸭绿江》、《诗刊》、《儿童文学》、《少年文艺》等一系列报刊发表大量诗歌散文,十几次获得《文学报》等全国性征文奖,在全国中学校园赢得一定的知名度。洪烛因病于2020年3月18日在南京去世。