Archive for the ‘February 2011’ Category

WINTER – 伊沙 Yi Sha

4月 3, 2021

Yi Sha

On my way to the vegetable supermarket
in our compound
I see a small girl
on a big rock at the artificial lake
right above the ice going to
I am shouting:
„Don’t jump! Danger!“
But in this time
she has jumped already,
landing on the thick surface.
She turns around to me,
makes a ballet move
and becomes a small white swan.

Translated by MW, 4/3/2021

Yi Sha

Ich geh zum Gemüsesupermarkt
in der Wohnhausanlage,
seh auf dem Weg ein kleines Mädchen
auf einem Felsen am künstlichen See,
sie will auf das Eis hinunter
Ich schrei:
„Achtung! Nicht springen!“
aber in der Zeit
ist sie schon gesprungen,
ganz leicht
und sicher
auf dem festen Eis gelandet.
Sie dreht sich zu mir um
in einer Bewegung aus dem Ballett
und wird ein kleiner weißer Schwan.

Übersetzt von MW am 3. April 2021


Yi Sha, orig. name Wu Wenjian. Well-known poet, writer, critic, translator, editor. Born in 1966 in Chengdu, lives in Xi’an. Graduated from Beijing Normal University in 1989. Has written over 20,000 poems, published, translated and edited 122 books. Received the Henry Luce prize for contemporary Chinese poetry and many other awards. Invited to poetry festivals in China, Sweden, England, Netherlands, South Korea etc., incl. the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Qinghai Lake international poetry festival, the 50th Struga poetry festival in Macedonia and many more. Vermont Studio Center fellow 2014. He has recited at the University of Vienna, at Arizona University etc. 《新诗典》小档案:伊沙,原名吴文健,男,当代著名诗人、作家、批评家、翻译家、编选家。 1966年生于四川成都。1989年毕业于北京师范大学中文系。写诗逾两万首,出版著、译、编122部作品。获美国亨利•鲁斯基金会中文诗歌奖金、韩国“亚洲诗人奖”以及中国国内数十项诗歌奖项。应邀出席瑞典第16届奈舍国际诗歌节、荷兰第38届鹿特丹国际诗歌节、英国第20届奥尔德堡国际诗歌节、马其顿第50届斯特鲁加国际诗歌节、中国第二、三、四、五届青海湖国际诗歌节、第二届澳门文学节、美国佛蒙特创作中心驻站作家、奥地利梅朵艺术中心驻站作家、美国亚利桑那大学为其举办的朗诵会、奥地利两校一刊为其举办的朗诵会与研讨会、2021年世界诗歌日线上国际诗歌节等国际交流活动。

28. FEBRUAR – 鴻鴻 Hung Hung

2月 29, 2016


Hung Hung

Dieser Monat
ist kürzer als alle anderen Monate.
Ungefähr zwei, drei Tage.

An diesem Tag
ist der Monat zu Ende.
Früher als in allen anderen Monaten.

An diesem Tag
gingen viele Menschen
zu früh in die Nacht.
Und mit diesem Tag war es noch nicht zu Ende.

von Schüssen,
von Weinen.
Begraben unter der Asche.
Darüber lauter Asphalt.

Jedes Jahr
bittet jemand für diesen Tag um Verzeihung.
Jedesmal weiß man nicht für wen.

Jedes Jahr
genießen alle den Feiertag.
Eilen auf dem Asphalt,
gehen ins Kino.
Gehen in Restaurants,
empfohlenen im Internet.
Stehen Schlange, um Frühlingskleider zu kaufen.

Eine Statue wird verhüllt.
Niemand weiß, ob der Kopf
Reue zeigt oder grinst.

Vor vielen Jahren an diesem Tag
klang ein Lied aus dem Trichter.
78 Umdrehungen,
ein Lied vom Duft in der Nacht.
“Nacht ist Tag, Tag ist Nacht.
Im Finstern leben, wie kommt man zutag…”

Übersetzt von MW im Februar 2016







但這一天來不及結束 .

上面鋪滿柏油 .

但從不知為誰道歉 .

排隊買換季新品 .

他在懺悔或竊笑 .


「夜做日 日做暝
黑暗過日 按怎出頭天…」


DREAM 122 – 伊沙 Yi Sha

3月 12, 2015

Yi Sha
DREAM #122

outside of broadcasting studio #1
I’m holding on to a marten fur coat
stumbling about
I am holding the coat
for a #1 singer queen just like wang fei

to everyone
of the people who ask me what I am doing
I throw them one sentence
resounding and clear:
“I am a poet!”
“I am a poet!”
“I am a poet!”

finally there comes the day
of the last dress rehearsal
the director with pubic hair on his chin
is thinking of something
he’s calling me over:
“hey! you are a poet, right?”
how about a recital for our show?”

and so
with a country girl who sings in the underpass
and two migrant workers straining their throats
to tell you they’re old and alone
I am representing the downtrodden masses
the evening before the lunar new year
maybe because I’m a poet
I don’t look as nervous as the three others

Tr. MW, Dec. 2014







Libya & Other Countries

2月 22, 2011

As rich European countries go, maybe Austria is just as bad as Italy or France. Only smaller, more provincial. Newest anti-foreigner laws package passed on Tuesday, Feb. 22nd, 2011. The protesters in Egypt didn’t really look to America or Western Europe, but to protest experiences in Serbia and such. At least that’s what I remember from reports in the NY Times, among others. A Chinese friend told me he was watching the Arab protests very much,while he was in Europe, because the pictures from Egypt reminded him of Beijing in 1989.

China has had too many so-called revolutions under Mao and a big failure with protests for civil rights and democracy in 1989. But there are many protests in China all the time. Labor unrest, land seizures, health hazards etc.. There may also be a big craving for stability, hence the hesitation to participate in larger protests. The op-ed in the NYT (IHT) by Daniel Bell, designated Western politics professor in Tianjin, was very academic. Or very wishy-washy. Civil rights are universal. No, China’s not so special. Reporters know, especially when they go to see the blind Women’s rights activist lawyer in Shandong and get waylay-ed and beaten. No, nobody cares about supposed academic discussions on why democracy might not work. Yes, people try to lead a good life, individually, for their family, and sometimes they notice the limits, and try to work around them, and many do talk about it. Sorry for the rambling. As I said, rich countries are no beacons. Maybe I am more politics-sensitive than before, since we moved back to Austria from China, after 10 years in Beijing and a few more in other cities. Roger Cohen is right, the EU doesn’t look very good at all these days.

Don't bother

Don't bother


2月 14, 2011

Date Time From To Message (For poems see here or click below and scroll all the way down on the page)
2/27/2009 7:29:27 PM Nitram Lomy – 还想再看 是我。晚上才回來了,對不起。
2/27/2009 7:37:19 PM Nitram Lomy – 还想再看 明天再試一下好吧?
3/6/2009 3:09:19 PM Nitram Lomy – Einmal ist keinmal Hallo, wie geht’s?
3/6/2009 3:09:36 PM Lomy – Einmal ist keinmal Nitram Hi, gute abend.
3/6/2009 3:09:55 PM Nitram Lomy – Einmal ist keinmal 這里下午三點
3/6/2009 3:11:49 PM Lomy – Einmal ist keinmal Nitram Aber es ist die schlaffen Zeit fuer Martin.
3/6/2009 3:11:59 PM Lomy – Einmal ist keinmal Nitram hahah
3/6/2009 3:12:32 PM Nitram Lomy – Einmal ist keinmal 剛翻譯了詩,有時間請看看我的博客
3/6/2009 3:13:16 PM Lomy – Einmal ist keinmal Nitram 老实说,生活比在北京轻松了么?
3/6/2009 3:13:34 PM Nitram Lomy – Einmal ist keinmal 不

Snow in Beijing

February 13th, 2011

Egypt and China

2月 3, 2011

A sign in Cairo

Chinese sign in Cairo

Any discussion on forbidden topics is worthwhile. And this topic seems to be at least semi-forbidden on websites easily accessible in China. Social unrest is widespread and continues to grow. China is built on denial. Not on the Nile. There is no river in Beijing. I wonder if there has been any precipitation by now since fall. It was pretty bad in 2000, I remember. They dug huge canals all the way from around Nanjing and Wuhan to bring water for Beijing and Tianjin. Imagine a new canal dug through a city center, 100 meter down. That’s what I saw somewhere in Henan in 2007 or so. Maybe most people don’t take part in uprisings yet. As anywhere, people are concerned with their family and their livelihood. Not with the government. Unless something bad enough happens, you don’t need to take action. Maybe you’ll discuss something, like Premier Wen visiting the Beijing Petition Bureau. They do seem to feel the need to address some problems publicly, and not only through suppression. They continue to suppress many words, such as eleven or civil society. Actually I’m not sure if eleven is still sensitive, but it wouldn’t surprise me, since a certain dissident who was sentenced to eleven years on Dec. 25, 2009, got a lot of publicity lately. Any comparison of China with countries in volatile situations is worthwhile. It’s important not to end up in the Nile, or in denial. That’s a nice little joke I heard from our friend Liam, very nice if you’re far away, I guess. To a very large extent, China is built on denial. The same could be said about other societies, like Austria. But maybe at least there is less denial now than 30 or 40 or 50 years ago. In Austria, maybe. It’s a dialectical process, maybe. There is still a lot of denial. But in China denial is at the base of the system. In private talk, if you’re a friend, people will tell you what they went through in the 1950s, -60s, -70s and so on, or what they are doing now, even if it’s against official policy. But is there enough public discussion of past and present grievances and problems? This is already very close to the question Adam (see below) has put in his post. Adam is right, saying that China is very special and very stable and so on often gets very obnoxious. I am very wary of any big-time supportive international collaboration with institutions in China. Just look at what happened at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2009. The organizers cooperated with China’s GAPP, the general administration of pressure and prodding to toe the government line in publishing. The Ministry of Truth. Maybe they had to, to stage a China-themed fair. And the ensuing scandal was good, except for a few officials. Any kind of discussion is good, any kind of publicity, if there is a lot of denial. I wonder if the Robert Bosch trust fund and other Western sources of funding for cooperation with China learned anything. In December there was a discussion in Germany and Austria, after an article in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung suggested that Chinese Studies institutions staid away from the topic of the Nobel Peace Prize award for a Chinese dissident. Maybe some of them do, if the people in charge are too closely affiliated with the Confucius Institutes situated right inside the Chinese Studies department, as it is usually the case now. In Vienna, this wasn’t a problem. There was a big discussion on January 11 at the Sinology department of the East Asian Institute, one of the most engaged and open events at Vienna University in a while, probably. Bei Ling, author of the Liu Xiaobo biography was there, reading and talking to an enthusiastic crowd, in a very interesting discussion about the roles of intellectuals and public institutions. Professor Weigelin was fully in her element. Prof. Findeisen and Dr. Wemheuer contributed important points on literature and society. Who would have thought that in January, people around the world would spontaneously think of 1989? At least for me it feels like back then, very sudden change sweeping through several countries. So of course there are many comparisons. It is nice to live in exciting times, and important not to end up in the Nile. May they have peace and better times in Egypt soon!

Shanghai Scrap (2/1/11):

Comparing Egypt and China ­ wrong questions, meaningless answers

Sign in Arabic and Chinese

From Language Log