Archive for 2011年12月

Dec. 30, 2011

12月 31, 2011

Dec. 30, 2011

it is the last day of the year
the 30th, almost the last.
a year of freedom full of fear.
a year of 99%,
of arab spring and ai weiwei.
financial worries every day
a hope for fundamental change
in pockets, maybe for a while
a fear of fundamental change.
a fitful and decisive year
with days of truth and days of deaths.
dictators dead, and protesters
are dead or maimed or put away-
almost like 1989
in egypt and tunesia
in libya and in bahrain
in yemen and in syria.

a year of death, a year of pain.
a giant earthquake in japan
a tsunami, and power plants
not quite like 1986
but lots of damage, lots of fear.

in china, there is no big change
and many towns remain in debt.
a high-speed train derails and kills
the silence and the confidence
at least in pockets for a while.
a village full of protesters
in wukan, and the end is good,
or so it seems.
and dissidents remain in jail
and north korea stays the same,
a huge display of pomp and tears.

we went to trebic and to prague
to znojmo, jaromerice
to jihlava, to synagogues.
and vaclav havel passed away.
i saw the light, the evening light
in brno, almost like today.

the wind is cold, i see the moon
at four o’clock. with rosy clouds.
the lights are on. the light remains,
the darkness falls.
the children play.
they sing and pray against assad.
with flags of freedom, chants of hope
in exile, singing loud and clear.
a group of thirty, not a threat.
vienna almost stays the same.

let us drink to days of freedom
let us think of rays of change
let us hope and work and play.

MW December 2011

Photo by Lonnie Hodge

Christmas crackdown

12月 29, 2011


Picture by Yang Jinsong

“Christmas means different things around the world, but in China one of the things it’s come to stand for is crackdown. In recent years Chinese courts have chosen the holiday season as the time to hand down the harshest sentences to political dissenters, possibly in the belief that their rulings will receive the least attention abroad. On Dec. 26 a court in the southwestern city of Guiyang sentenced longtime dissident Chen Xi to 10 years in prison for “inciting subversion of state power,” Reuters reported.

Moon again

12月 10, 2011


the song the tree the moon the night

the streets the cars the moon is bright

the air is right one star is there

I hope we sleep all through the night

MW December 2011

all among the loony people… today is the day the nobel peace prize gets awarded. this year it goes to three women in different places and positions in africa. maybe a little less pointless and pathetic than the prize-great big vain hope obama manunkind not. last year the prize went to loony old liu xiaobo. not very peaceful guy, doesn’t give the chinese government any peace with his charta 08. rather removed from most people in china for 11 years, locked away in the northeast. but instead they have ai weiwei. and we have liao yiwu. great loony poetry. thrown out of china. so it stays hole.


vielleicht has(s)t du noch einen tag

vielleicht hast du noch eine nacht

vielleicht liebst du noch eine nacht

vielleicht liebt dich jemand

auch nachher noch weiter

du spuerst es und du spuerst es nicht

MW Dezember 2011