Archive for the ‘1849’ Category


11月 2, 2016

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Halloween in Budapest
Do you need to call out the ghosts?
Do you need to call out the ghosts?
In Parliament
Brightly lit along the Danube
Do you need to call out the ghosts?
In Vienna
In Budapest
In many cities
Many, many towns
thousands of towns
thousands of thousands
brightly lit along the Danube
Dohany Synagogue
Greatest in Europe
Status Quo Synagogue
By Otto Wagner
On Rumbach Street
Actually many buildings are left
All over Europe
Yes, there are Jews
In Budapest
Yes, there are people
Do we need to call out the ghosts?
Everyone knows
Along the Danube
Behind the Parliament
Greatest in Europe?
It’s very big
Behind the Parliament
Along the Danube
They lined them up
Several places
Along the Danube
Just a few months
Hungarian Fascists
Finally able
Fall ’44
German troops everywhere
Last few months of the war
Until the first month of ’45
Here in this city
Everyone knows
Hungarian Fascists
Established the ghetto
They passed laws against Jews
In Parliament
In 1920
Basically everyone knows
Hundreds of thousands
in a few months
Around 600,000
Killed in Auschwitz
Along the Danube
Behind the Parliament
Several places
Szabadsag ter
On Freedom Square
There’s a new monument
For the victims
It says
German occupation
Doesn’t say that in German
Doesn’t say that in English
Any other language
For the victims
Only these words
Even in Hebrew
Only the victims
Victims of German occupation
Written in Hungarian
Only in Hungarian
Erected in secret
Protests from the beginning
Pebbles, chairs,
a few wires, photos
pebbles with names
and so on
Everyone knows
Over 300 Million
Hungarian money
Erected in secret
Law passed in Parliament
December 31st, 2013
Protests from the beginning
Szabadsag ter
Liberty Square
Halloween in Budapest
Do you need to call out the ghosts?
There are people enough
In Budapest
In many cities
Many, many cities
Towns and cities
All over Europe
Brightly lit along the Danube
Everyone knows
Actually many buildings are left
All over Europe
Halloween in Budapest
Do we need to call out the ghosts?
Everyone knows
Halloween is for kids
We have kids in Vienna
Kids like to dress up
For Halloween
Let them have fun
Nothing wrong
My daughter knows
Austrian Fascists
Ghosts are alive
Zombies are real
Wish it was all
Pumpkins for kids
Halloween in Budapest
Greatest town
Along the Danube
Since Roman times
Everyone knows

MW October 31st, 2016

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9月 23, 2016
photo by David Howard

photo by David Howard



I see your true colours
shining through.
I see your true colours
and that’s why I hate you!
So do be afraid…
Show your colours
says the candidate
the right-wing candidate.
Is it Trump?
Is it Le Pen?
Is it Erdogan?
Maybe someone in Britain?
Show your true colours!
If this person wins
Austria is the ugliest place
in the Murky Way.

MW September 2016




flagge zeigen
steht auf dem plakat
des deutschnationalen
für die 3. wahl
für den zweiten termin
der 3. wahl
seit april
zum präsidenten von österreich
flagge zeigen
sagt der deutschnationale
der mit den nazis in der partei
welche flagge
will er denn zeigen
die der republik österreich?
im ernst, welche flagge?

MW September 2016

寫政治詩歌 Poetry politics, Greater Austria and Greater China

9月 8, 2016




瑞士蘇黎世新報編輯說可惜他的報紙不再關心文藝,只關心輿論一類的,所以書評很少了,也不再登詩歌。就是近半年的變革。我覺得廖亦武和赫塔·米勒(Herta Müller)等等應該很適合這樣的氣氛。關心輿論應該是關心政治。廖亦武從八九年以后不能不激烈關心, 米勒從小也許也是跟廖亦武一樣終不能脫掉政治。二十一世紀得了諾貝爾德語女作家有兩位,除了米勒第二位是奧地利女作家耶利內克 Elfriede Jelinek,她也一直非常關心政治,而且也寫詩,非常好的詩,雖然寫的非常不同。米勒的詩歌是實驗性的,耶利內克寫話劇和小說用的語言是非常實驗性的。在台灣說葉利尼克,在台灣一直有人研究和翻譯她。大陸和台灣很多方面非常不同,在台灣關心政治很多就是左派,像一九三十四十年代中國詩人艾青,雖然現在台灣關心政治就是先關心台灣,其他都不能先注意它。而在大陸當代的先鋒詩歌從六十年代到現在都有地下的成分。需要獨立,需要脫掉主流社會的政治口號心態。其實我覺得詩歌,就是活性的、跟當代社會有直接關系的詩歌無論在哪裡都有地下的成分。艾青在1979年寫柏林牆就直接否定柏林牆,不管什麼左派歷史問題等等,至少從表面說好像不管。

做藝術都需要獨立的心態,一 直關心政治怎麼寫詩?不過有的人可以。布萊希特 (Brecht),還有傅立特(Erich Fried), 廖亦武2015年秋天來維也納就是參加傅立特文學節。台灣詩人鴻鴻翻譯了傅立特的詩,尤其是叫做《暴利》一首(Die Gewalt),鴻鴻在2014年三月十八在台北參加占领立法院的事件就引用這首詩。傅立特是奧地利人,還有一位著名的二十世紀奧地利詩人楊豆(Ernst Jandl) 也非常關心政治,寫得很成功。楊豆很有幽默的成分,雖然大部分作品不一定讓你笑。我翻譯伊沙就經常想到楊豆。昨天轉給一位瑞典的女博士生的這兩年廖亦武的詩歌,就重新碰到很多我這幾年關心的事情和詩歌。劉霞最好的詩歌就是2013年錄像裡的兩首一類的,像《無題》那顆樹。獨立的,不直接說什麼政治,但也許說得很直接,不能再直接。我在2011年左右那時候想讓奧地利的中國朋友翻譯米勒的詩,雖然他多半不寫新詩,寫古體詩,但是我給他解釋德語他可以翻譯成中文新詩。也許很荒謬的念頭,最后沒成功。我那時候覺得是流亡詩人貝嶺的錯,因為一直不管詩歌,從不願意給意見,只關心書怎麼出版,在台灣的小出版社。硬不關心文本。

有很多人在文學方面很喜歡只關心文本,偶爾才關心社會政治問題。我好像從來從骨子裡感覺到詩歌文藝,尤其是多語言的、跨越世界各地的文藝是革命性的,雖然革命這詞匯一直就非常可疑,魯迅AQ關心革命等等。我自己在中學時候被楊豆的詩歌振醒,這詩歌其實有很具體的奧地利和德國當代歷史內容,但他主要是實驗性的。實驗 性是它的革命性。而且是跨越語言、跨越時代的獨一無二的怪詩。把華茲華斯(William Wordsworth)的一首著名的浪漫感情詩歌說翻譯它的『表面』,其實好像只翻譯聲音,找從聲音很相似的德語詞匯就好像用德語念出英語的原文。就像奧巴馬這個中文詞匯只管聲音,跟奧巴馬三個字其他內容和用處沒關系。但其實楊豆那首詩有具體的當代歷史政治內容。只是我最早聽到就是它的荒謬,是兩三個中學生自己發現的東西,在語文課等等那時候肯定不能碰到。就是一種爵士音樂的東西。這是我寫詩的根本。關心詩歌、翻譯詩歌等等都來自於這種經驗。



8月 12, 2016



never seen so many deer in my life
never seen so many, so many deer
up on the hill round the old castle
hermitage hunting lodge
little bit like a small belvedere
I mean the belvedere in vienna
but this is the forest,
as wild as it gets
next to a big city.
this is a very magical place.
herds upon herds.
some of the herds all have great antlers
some deer are black.
some are all white.
most deer are brown, as I have known them.
but I have never seen white deer before
nor seen a herd all with such antlers.
maybe small elk.
don’t know how they’ re called.
people walk by,
people ride through them,
riding on bicycles.
I am a little vary of them.
if they came charging,
what would we do?
my daughter maia is not afraid,
she walks right up to them.
some are a few meters away,
then they withdraw.
there are small kids,
not very shy.
two very small deer,
we are between them and their mother.
I wonder what happens if one is injured,
if one is sick.
do they care for each other?
once a year there are hunters,
we hear.
there is a barn,
maybe food for the winter.
kristian shows us mint by the road.
this is a long walk in the evening,
though it’s not very far.
you see the sea, you hear the train,
you even hear sirens
somewhere on roads outside the forest.
it was a long, magical walk.
if you live here, so close to the deer,
so close to the sea
you have a wonderful, privileged life.
one more thing: wikipedia says
the constitution was celebrated
june 5, 1854
30.000 people
in front of Hermitage hunting lodge
I wonder what the deer thought of that.

MW August 2015

