Archive for 2011年11月


11月 25, 2011

Ai Weiwei and Global Times

11月 23, 2011

im süden – Wang Wei (699-759)

11月 8, 2011

Wang Wei 31.Okt.2011



im süden – Wang Wei (699-759), Neue Zürcher Zeitung 31. Oktober 2011


11月 7, 2011


if we could kiss & love all day
maybe we wouldn’t go astray;
maybe we wouldn’t break our vows,
maybe we wouldn’t break our necks,
maybe we would not break our words,
maybe we would not break our heads.
it’s worth a try for you and I
a day in love,
a day regained,
a day at work,
a day with child.
with sun and wind both rather mild.
a normal day. it’s not so bad.
we cope. we function. we’re not mad
at anyone if we can help
ourselves to coffee, smoking, beer
or maybe lips. or maybe arms.
if we could piss and fart all night
maybe our troubles would be light
compared to other people’s fear.
we seldom write our nightmares down.
the pencil is not right at hand.
if we can tell it we are good.
if someone listens we are fine.
if we could telephone all day
if we could dance or read all night
maybe we wouldn’t go astray
maybe we couldn’t go and fight
each other in a different way.
each day is full of work and fright
and light and kisses
in our heads
till we are dead.
i love you.
see you soon, take care.

MW    Nov. 2011

New painting by Yang Jinsong. Would love to see it up close. No melons, cats or fish, very simple drawing style, concentrated. The two figures are just arriving.


11月 7, 2011


die sprache ertappen
die sprach zu ersuchen
die sprache erflehen
die sprach anzurufen
die sprache erbitten
die sprach zu erfahren
die sprache erwaegen
die sprach aufzubahren

die sprach anzutreffen
die sprach zu erlernen
die sprache der titten
die sprach in den sternen

die sprache des mondes
die rede des himmels
den atem der wolken
die luft in den baeumen
das licht in den zweigen
das gras auf den feldern

die sprache erfinden
die sprache erhoeren
den abend erwarten
mit kraehen und staren
mit waeldern und graeben
und wasser in wegen
mit blaettern und kaefern

mit schwingen und beinen
noch einen dann reicht es
fuer heut gute nacht

MW    November 2011

Please sign the petition for Chen Guangcheng at 自由光诚!: 网友Sarcastic-O寄来一封支持墨镜肖像项目的呼吁信

notes from prague (2)

11月 6, 2011


Čtrnáctiletý Hanuš Hachenburg a s ním i ostatní nově hledají své místo na světě, které jim bylo

„Co jsem?

Ke kterému patřím z národů?

Já děcko bloudící?

Je mojí vlastí hradba ghett,

či země zrající,

spějící, malá, spanilá,

jsou Čechy vlastí, svět?“ [8]

Odpovědí na Hanušovy otázky mohou být verše Františka Basse. Tento chlapec vyjadřuje hrdost na svůj
původ a neochotu poddat se. Promlouvá ke všem Židům, podněcuje je k tomu, aby se nestyděli za to
kým jsou a aby po zemi vždy kráčeli se vzpřímenou hlavou.

“Jsem žid

Jsem žid a židem zůstanu

i když já hlady umírati budu

tak nepodám se národu

Bojovat já vždy budu

za můj národ na mou čest

Nikdy se stydět nebudu

za můj národ na mou čest.

Pyšný já jsem na svůj národ

jakou má ten národ čest

Vždy já budu utlačený

Vždy já budu zase žít.“[9]

Upstairs in the Pinkas Synagogue at the Old Jewish Cemetery of Prague, they have a collection of children’s art works from Theresienstadt (Terezin), where the Jews from Bohemia, Moravia and other regions were imprisoned before further deportation. Very few children, about 100 of 50.000, survived. I don’t remember the exact numbers, please check the links in the pictures, there is a lot of information, and there are pictures of the synagogues in Prague, some of the children’s art works, and so on. At the other end of the Old Jewish cemetery, at the Klausen Synagogue, in a glass case somewhere among the explanations about Jewish holidays, customs and traditions, was a little poem that begins with “Jsem žid“, “I am Jewish”. It was written by František Bass, or Franz Bass, don’t know how they called him at home. Franz Bass sounds very much like Franz Kafka. Many Jews spoke German, or Jiddish, others spoke Czech, many spoke and wrote all three and more. František Bass was 11 years old. The poem is not very long, and rather conventional, as a patriotic poem. It is very forceful, very powerful, in the circumstances. So I wrote it down, in Czech, tried to copy all those letters and symbols exactly. There was an English translation next to the original poem. But although I don’t speak Czech, I could tell that the original was a real poem, there is economy in the words, there are very few words compared to the clumsy translation. I wrote it down, and a few days later I got around to Google the poem. So I found this paper online, a thesis or a dissertation at a Czech university, just a text file. The little poem by Franz Bass is quoted in full, and it is put in context with another poem by the 14-year-old Hanuš Hachenburg. Hanush Hachenburg asks, asks himself and the listener what he his, which country or nation he could belong to. He should be Czech, at least he writes in Czech. But no, Hachenburg is answered by Frantishek Bass, he can only say for certain that he’s Jewish. And you can be proud of being Jewish, says Frantishek Bass. That’s what his poem is about, so I’ve called it patriotic. I think it’s very powerful. Jsem žid a židem zůstanu, i když já hlady umírati budu, tak nepodám se národu. I am Jewish, I will stay Jewish, even if  I die of hunger, I won’t give up my nation. Or I won’t give in to any other nation, it doesn’t really matter, you’ll see. Bojovat já vždy budu, za můj národ na mou čest, Nikdy se stydět nebudu, za můj národ na mou čest. I’ll always be fighting, for my nation, on my honor. I’ll never be ashamed of my nation, on my honor. Big words. I grew up in Austria, and I’ve lived in China for a long while, and there is ample reason in Austria and in China and in many other places to be suspicious of such words. But in this Czech Jewish poem, they are different words, their meaning is different. Pyšný já jsem na svůj národ, jakou má ten národ čest. I am proud of my nation, an honorful nation. Vždy já budu utlačený, Vždy já budu zase žít. I will always be oppressed and killed, and I’ll always live again.

11月 6, 2011


in wenigen tagen
die blaetter sind rot
in wenigen tagen
die blaetter sind gelb
in wenigen tagen
bald wirbelt der schnee
in wenigen tagen
heut ist es noch mild

fuer ein paar minuten
der mond steigt herauf
fuer ein paar minuten
man sieht noch ganz gut
fuer ein paar minuten
wer kostet das licht
fuer ein paar minuten
wir fahren nach haus

MW Nov. 2011

note from prague

11月 3, 2011

fizzdom is flower

knowing doesn’t make you better,
reading doesn’t make you good.
discipline can make you stronger,
make you breathe a little longer,
teach you how to wear your hood.
you would think that’s understood.

MW November 2011

Chen Guangcheng is turning 40 on Nov. 12.