Archive for the ‘Persia’ Category

EDGE OF HISTORY – 游若昕 You Ruoxin

2月 19, 2022

You Ruoxin

My desk neighbor,
to get ahead of me next term
at the history exams,
bought a roll of toilet paper on Taobao,
printed with the main points of history.
One day when she didn’t pay attention,
I ripped off a square
and ran to the bathroom.
Just when I returned to class,
she who would never leave the room,
flew at me, chasing me
all through the corridor.

Tr. MW in February 2022







​黎雪梅读《新世纪诗典》之游若昕《历史的一角》: 这是若昕版《同桌的你》,虽写的是求学的日常,细细品味,却别有一番滋味在心头,它不是一般的酸甜苦辣,有着青苹果的清甜与纯净;满是纯真无邪的少年情怀与深挚的同窗之情,也许若干年后回想起来嘴角依然会微微上扬。这样的记录不仅仅是当年的情景再现,更是自己一段青春岁月与生命情感的密码,在漫漫的人生长河中的尤显得弥足珍贵。



FREE – 自由了 – FREUDE آزاد. سروده مارتین وینتر. ترجمه فرزانه دُرّی

4月 30, 2021

I wrote this poem in response to photos of a lawyer in China, reunited with his family after years in detention. That was one year ago at the end of April. Liao Yiwu wrote a poem, and I wrote mine in response. I wrote the poem in Chinese and in German, later also in English. When I posted the Chinese version in China, many people thought the poem was about the end of the first Covid lockdown in Austria. That’s okay. Poetry is poetry. Freedom, let’s hope it is freedom. Heartfelt thanks to Farzaneh Dorri for the Persian translation!

ZUMURUD – 陆福祥 Lu Fuxiang

11月 23, 2020

Lu Fuxiang

Omi waschen
und in den Sarg legen.
Das linke Handgelenk,
leblos nach einem Schuss Penicillin,
ist geschwollen und starr.
Der Armreif, der nicht mehr herunter geht,
funkelt grün.

Übersetzt von MW im November 2020